Upcoming Events

Merchants of Death Tribunal

The Tribunal is now underway. Visit the website to learn all about it: https://merchantsofdeath.org. You can also watch videos using the following links:

Previous video episodes of the Tribunal are here:

The newest one is here: https://rumble.com/v4rweei-warmongering-and-u.s.-imperialism-an-interview-with-jeremy-kuzmarov.html

You are invited to share the video links with friends and colleagues. Form discussion groups around all video evidence of the Tribunal.

To sign up to receive future video segments of evidence, go here:https://actionnetwork.org/forms/sign-up-for-emails-from-the-merchants-of-death-war-crimes-tribunal?clear_id=true

Guantanamo Vigils

Guantanamo vigils continue outside the main branch of the New York (City) Public Library on Fifth Avenue at 41st Street the first Wednesday of each month at 5 PM. As we are drawn to other critical issues, we must not forget the men still being held at the Guantanamo Detention Center despite either not being tried or not being found guilty of any crime and being designated eligible for release. These men have been tortured. Their lives have been stolen from them for over 20 years. Promises of closing the Detention Center since President Barak Obama have never been kept.

Ceasefire Vigils

While ceasefire vigils are happening across the state in multiple locations, and you can find out what’s happening near you from groups like Jewish Voice for Peace, this is an invitation to join a regular vigil outside the U.S. Mission to the United Nations on First Avenue at 45th Street in New York City every Thursday from 12:30 to 1:30 PM.

40-Day Fast for Gospel Nonviolence

Statement of Purpose

Jesus and the early church stated clearly that violence is not the Christian way, that violence is not the Apostolic way, that violence is not the way of God. Yet, since the Third Century, most Christians have not proclaimed this message. Today, tensions between the U.S. and Russia, the U.S. and China, on-going wars and violent conflicts in Africa and across the globe are are epidemic. While claiming no money for universal health care, living wages, affordable housing, free higher education, and other life-sustaining needs, the U.S. is pouring billions into war in Ukraine and Gaza. Gun rights surpass human rights for those who make the laws and those who oppose even modest gun control. The environment is subject to attack, along with anyone who looks different, sounds different, believes different, or lives different from the mainstream. The list could go on and on. In addition, our media, entertainment, and language are filled with violence; and our country would rather retain the capability to annihilate millions of years of evolution and thousands of years of history with nuclear weapons than sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

It is because of this tragic and shameful reality that this 40-Day Fast is being undertaken. It is a call to the individual Christian–and nonChristians in solidarity with us–to repent and return to the truth that violence is not the way to resolve our conflicts.

Background on the Fast

The annual 40-Day Fast was begun by the Agape Community in Massachusetts several years ago. Individuals and communities from all over the country now participate in it.

The Fast begins on July 1st and ends on August 9th. On August 9th, 1942, St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein) was killed at Auschwitz; on August 9th, 1943, Blessed Franz Jaegerstatter was beheaded for refusing to serve in Hitler’s army (the army of a “Christian” nation); and on August 9th, 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan, destroying the largest and oldest Christian community in that country, and killing 140,000 people.

Two Ways to Approach the Fast

Individuals are invited to fast in whatever way they choose. Some possibilities are choosing one day a week for the 40-Day period, choosing one single day, or choosing a block of days.

Groups areinvited to take one day of the week, e.g. Mondays. One member of the group will then fast on each of the Mondays (or whichever other day of the week your group chooses) during the 40-day period. Others can also fast, of course, but this insures that at least one member will be fasting each day.

Instructions for Your Fast Day

  • This fast is, traditionally, a fast from all solid foods from the time you get up until the time you retire in the evening. It is recommended that you drink fruit or vegetable juices.  Drinking caffeinated beverages is not recommended.
  • If the traditional fast is not feasible for you, you can replace one, two, or all three meals with bread and water.

If you are unable to fast from food for health reasons, consider fasting from social media, texting, e-mail, television, or some other “addiction” that will be a sacrifice for you.

  • Try to attend Mass, a religious service of your faith if not Catholic, or some other communal gathering at which you can share your hopes and prayers for and commitment to a more nonviolent world, especially a world free of nuclear weapons.
  • A common bond in all faiths is belief in the power of nonviolent love. If you are a person of faith, pray that people of faith might re-commit themselves to the lesson of love taught in their faith.
  • Seek forgiveness for your own violent tendencies.
  • As much as possible, occupy yourself with works of mercy.

An excellent book on fasting is Fasting Rediscovered by Thomas Ryan, published by Paulist Press. A very good article is available here: https://aleteia.org/2013/01/18/what-is-the-role-of-fasting-in-spiritual-formation/?utm_campaign=EM-EN-Newsletter-Daily-&utm_content=Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_source=sendgrid&utm_term=20230724

Hiroshima/Nagasaki Memorials

There will be several commemorations of the horrific atomic bombings of these two cities in Japan in 1945 and on actions to call for the abolition of nuclear weapons. Three in Manhattan, NYC will be as follows:

On Saturday, August 3rd, Pax Christi Metro New York will have its Memorial in Union Square starting at 12:30 PM by the Gandhi Statue in the southwest corner of the park.

On August 4th, our colleagues at War Resisters League will host its Memorial in Tompkins Square Park from noon to 5 PM.

And on August 5th, we’ll be joining the Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World outside the Japanese Consulate, 299 Park Avenue between 48th and 49th Streets, at noon.

In addition, the Heiwa Peace and Reconciliation Foundation of NY has events planned in person and on Zoom August 5th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 15th. For more information, check the Heiwa Foundation website closer to those dates.

Pax Christi New York State Gathering and Kateri Peace Conference

Please save the dates for a Pax Christi New York State (PCNYS) Gathering to be held at that beautiful St. Kateri Tekakwitha National Shrine in upstate Fonda, NY Thursday, September 12th and Friday, September 13th.

A draft schedule includes reports on:

  • a pilgrimage to Hiroshima and Nagasaki by our Coordinator that took place in early March
  • the Sacred Peace Walk at the Nevada Test Site which took place in March, culminating during Holy Week
  • the Merchants of Death Tribunal, military spending, and our witnesses for peace who counter such militarism
  • and the Earth Bill.

Discussions about:

  • Where is the Catholic Church on Gaza? The Global Climate Crisis? The promotion of Peace?
  • Where is Pax Christi NYS on these issues? How can we get more involved? How can we engage more people, especially younger people and people of color?

An optional side-trip to Our Lady of Martyrs Shrine in nearby Auriesville

And time to explore the St. Kateri Tekakwitha National Shrine.

Immediately following our special gathering will be the 26th annual Kateri Peace Conference beginning on Friday, September 13th and ending Saturday, September 14th. The schedule for the Peace Conference is still to be announced, but four speakers are already confirmed: Brad Wolf of Peace Action Network; Martha Hennessy, Catholic Worker, peace activist, and granddaughter of Dorothy Day; Brian Terrell of the Ban Killer Drones campaign; and Ann Wright, retired United States Army colonel, retired U.S. State Department official, anti-war activist. (Ann may come in person, but also may have to join us on Zoom.); and Vera Anderson, a teaching artist and youth development educator who has worked with Nevada Desert Experience, Las Vegas Catholic Worker, and Food Not Bombs, among other peace initiatives.

For more information, contact [email protected].

Japan Pilgrimage and the Call to Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Help us observe the UN International Day of Peace, September 21st, from 1 to 2:30 PM on Zoom. Rosemarie Pace, Coordinator of PCNYS, will share a report back from the pilgrimage to Hiroshima and Nagasaki this past March. Alice Slater, a UN NGO Representative of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Board member of World BEYOND War, the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, the Global Council of Abolition 2000, and the Advisory Board of Nuclear Ban-US, will provide up-to-date information on the status of nuclear weapons treaties and the current threat of nuclear war. Ann Suellentrop, another pilgrim to Japan with Rosemarie, Project Director for Physicians for Social Responsibility Kansas City, Physicians for Social Responsibility national board member, a member of PeaceWorks KC, and active with the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability, will round out the presentations with action suggestions. Registration and Zoom link to come.

Interfaith Gathering in Observance of the UN International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

This annual gathering will take place on Thursday, September 26th, 2024 at 12:30 PM at the Gazebo at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, E. 47th Street & Second Avenue, Manhattan, NYC. All are invited to bring a prayer, poem, reflection, or hymn for the abolition of nuclear weapons or, more generally, for peace. Everyone in attendance will have the opportunity to share from your faith tradition or simply to listen and pray along in your heart and mind. There is no formal program; we are the program. Let us know you are coming. Contact: [email protected].

Also check the Pax Christi USA events page (https://paxchristiusa.org/events/) for other events and keep checking back here for updates.